Blogs from Industry-Leading Bloggers on Security, Compliance, Privacy and more
Part of the philosophy at Compliance and Privacy is to create a wide ranging resource that crosses all the disciplines. Industry-Leading blogs are part of that
Tim Berners-Lee's Blog
Tim Berners-Lee, more properly Sir Timothy Berners-Lee KBE, FRS, FREng., is the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium , Senior Researcher at MIT 's CSAIL, and Professor of Computer Science at Southampton ECS. He is one of the reasons Compliance and Privacy is here and visible - he invented the World Wide Web.
Go to Tim Berners-Lee's Blog
Tim Callan's SSL Blog
As Tim says on his blog: "Tim Callan is a product manager for VeriSign's SSL business unit. He is a longtime marketer of Internet and software solutions, a sometime entrepreneur, and a frequent writer and publisher of this and that. The opinions expressed in this blog are strictly his own."
Go to Tim Callan's Blog
Davis Wright Tremaine's Privacy and Security Law Blog

DWT has a panel of blogging lawyers:
- Joe Addiego from San Francisco
- Kraig Bakerfrom Seattle
- Brian Bennett from Seattle
- Thomas R Burke from San Francisco
- Kaustuv M Das from Seattle
- Randy Gainer from Seattle
- Bruce E H Johnson Head of the Privacy and Security Law Group
- Lance Koonce (Editor), from New York City
- Ronald G London
- Peter Mucklestone form Seattle
- Brian Wong from Washington DC
The range of topics covered by this panel is enormous
Go to the Davis Wright Tremaine's Blog.
Emergent Chaos Blog
Emergent Chaos is a group blog on security, privacy, liberty, and economics. We declared ourselves the Emergent Chaos jazz combo here
Adam Shostack is bandleader, and founded the blog.
Chris Walsh is longtime contributor, now posting on his own.
Arthur is the CISO of a very large company, which he prefers not to identify here
Go to the Emergent Chaos Blog.
Michael Farnum's Blog
Michael says about himself:
I am a Security Engineer for a security consultant / reseller. I live in Houston, Texas. I have been in IT since 1994. I have been in the InfoSec field since 2000. I have the following security related certifications: CISSP, GSEC Silver, Security +.
Go to Michael Farnum's blog
Phillip Hallam-Baker's Blogs:
The dotFuture Manifesto: Internet Crime, Web Services, Philosophy (a personal blog)
- Web Security Blog (a VeriSign blog)
Phillip Hallam-Baker is Principal Scientist at VeriSign. He has contributed to the design of many Web security protocols including HTTP and HTTP Digest Authentication, XKMS, SAML, WS-Security and OATH. His current research focus is preventing Internet Crime. He holds degrees from Southampton University and Oxford University and has held research appointments at DESY, CERN and MIT.
The two blogs are aggregated together, in date order. Where Phillip blogs as himself he says very clearly: "This is a personal blog and does not represent the views of any other party including my employer." You can tell whether he blogs as himself or for VeriSign by the destination fo the links on the page
Go to Phillip Hallam-Baker's "mixed" public and private blog
Stuart King's Security and Risk Management Blog
Stuart King blogs for Computer Weekly on Security and Risk Management topics
Go to the Security and Risk Management Blog
David Lacey's IT Security Blog
David Lacey is a leading international authority on Information Security Management with more than 20 years professional experience of building Security and Risk functions for large organisations, including The Foreign & Commonwealth Office, The Royal Dutch/Shell Group and The Royal Mail Group. David is a keen futurist and innovator, firmly believing that the best way to predict the future is to invent it. Amongst other things, he developed much of the content for the British Standard BS7799 and he was a founding director of the Jericho Forum and the Institute for Information Security Professionals.
Go to David Lacey's IT Security Blog
The Metasploit Project Official Blog
The Metasploit Project's goal is to provide useful information to people who perform penetration testing, IDS signature development, and exploit research. The Metasploit Project Website was created to fill the gaps in the information publicly available on various exploitation techniques and to create a useful resource for exploit developers.
Go to the Metasploit Blog
Jeff Pettorino's Security Convergence Blog
Jeff Pettorino is a Senior Consultant for VeriSign Security Services. In his career history he has held the title of security engineer, data storage specialist, police officer, systems administrator, supervisor, contractor, writer, and philosoper. His consulting work focuses on network penetration testing, social engineering, physical security, and helping clients reach standards compliance.
Go To Jeff Pettorino's Security Convergence Blog
Jeff Richards's demand Insights Blog
Jeff Richards is a Vice President in VeriSign's Information Services group (VIS). VIS is a market leader in providing next-generation infrastructure and real-time information in the Internet, Media, Retail and Healthcare markets. Jeff is a serial technology entrepreneur and Silicon Valley transplant currently posting from Northern Virginia, USA.
Prior to VeriSign, Jeff was President and CEO of R4 Global, an RFID industry leader acquired by VeriSign in May of 2005. Prior to R4, Jeff was a co-founder and executive at QuantumShift, an enterprise software and services provider in the telecommunications space. Prior to QuantumShift, Jeff was a management consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers (now part of IBM).
Jeff has been featured in Forbes, CNET, Network World and other leading publications, and is a frequent speaker at major technology industry and investment forums. Jeff holds an AB from Dartmouth College and resides in Northern Virginia with his wife and two daughters.
Go to Jeff Richards's Blog
David Rowe's Risk Management Blog
SunGard executive vice president for risk management, David Rowe invites industry leaders to join a discussion community, offering thought leadership into all facets of risk management. Forward-looking commentary will be posted weekly by Mr. Rowe to open discussion, with industry participants invited to comment and contribute.
David says: “In recent years I have had many opportunities to discuss financial risk management issues with a wide range of academics and practitioners, often related to my monthly column in Risk magazine. It occurred to me that a blog would be an excellent way to extend these bi-lateral conversations to a multilateral framework open to all interested parties. For many of the topics we will cover, there will be no definitive answers. Nevertheless, a variety of perspectives and opinions often helps to clarify the problems that these issues inevitably raise.”
David is executive vice president for risk management at SunGard. In this role he advises SunGard customers and business units on risk management functionality and development priorities in their software applications. He also speaks frequently at industry conferences and seminars and writes a monthly column for Risk magazine. He is also co-chair of the PRMIA Education Committee and member of the London chapter steering committee.
Go to David Rowe's Blog
Bruce Schneier's Security Blog
Bruce Schneier is an internationally renowned security technologist and author. Described by The Economist as a "security guru," Schneier is best known as a refreshingly candid and lucid security critic and commentator. When people want to know how security really works, they turn to Schneier.
His first bestseller, Applied Cryptography , explained how the arcane science of secret codes actually works, and was described by Wired as "the book the National Security Agency wanted never to be published." His book on computer and network security, Secrets and Lies , was called by Fortune "[a] jewel box of little surprises you can actually use." His current book, Beyond Fear, tackles the problem
Go to Bruce Schneier's Blog
Larry Seltzer's Security Blog
Larry Seltzer is the editor of Security Center. He wriotes an occasional blog on security matters taken from the articles.
Larry brings a wry view to the security arena, and often pours scorn on establishment opinions. Thatl;s precisely why we feature his weblog.
Go to Lary Seltzer's weblog
Mike Spinney's Private Communications Blog
Mike Spinney, CIPP, is principal of the communications consultancy SixWeight, and has more than fifteen years experience providing strategic communications counsel to business organizations. His resume includes a stint with the U.S. Navy's intelligence service, many years as a public relations flack, and occasional turns as a writer. From 2003 to 2005 he served with the International Association of Privacy Professionals as editor of the group's monthly member newsletter, the Privacy Advisor , and manager of the IAPP's communications program. Since that time Spinney has immersed himself in leading privacy issues, earned professional credentials as a Certified Information Privacy Professional, and became a respected voice within the community of privacy professionals.
Today, Spinney is a writer and independent communications consultant, providing privacy-savvy counsel to his clients. He is a member of the prestigious Ponemon Institute, co-chair of the IAPP's Boston chapter, and a member of the Merrimack Valley Venture Forum. Spinney is a monthly contributor to the 1to1: Privacy newsletter, maintains his privacy blog, Private Communications, and is an opinionist for His byline has appeared in a variety of publications, including Inc., Cigar Aficionado, RFID Journal , Robb Report, Interface Tech News, TIDE, and Portland Magazine, to name a few.
Go to Mike Spinney's Blog
Richard Steinnon's Threat Chaos Blog
Richard Stiennon is founder and chief research analyst at IT-Harvest Inc. He is responsible for setting strategic direction as well as editorial coverage at this independent Information Technology research firm. Richard leads IT-Harvest in its efforts to compile the first comprehensive knowledgebase of the entire IT security market. Prior to joining IT-Harvest, he was VP of threat research for Webroot Software, Inc. the leading commercial anti-spyware solution.
Go to Richard Steinnon's Blog
The TechWeb Blog
A more technical blog from TechWeb that includes compliance, privacy and security, and extends into wider fields such as Phisheries Protection, worms, scams and other areas
Go to the TechWeb Blog
Tim Trent's "Marketing by Permission" Blog
Tim has a long record in the Telemarketing and consultancy arena and was one of the first proponents of Direct Marketing in the UK as a business to business tool. At Gartner between 1998 and 2003, the world's largest IT research, measurement, consulting and event organisation, Tim was the global expert in EEC Data Privacy legislation and compliance, driving global compliance with national legislation. A good proportion of Gartner's published Data Protection Compliance research is published around Tim's work as Gartner's Chief Privacy Officer for Europe, Africa and the Middle East . He is one of Europe 's leading experts in compliance with data privacy regulations, and is in the forefront of implementing Permission Based Marketing. He publishes regular articles on Data Protection.
He tries to blog daily, and brings a unique insight to matters of Data Privacy.
Go to Tim Trent's Blog
Rebecca Wong's "DP Thinker" Blog
Rebecca has a commentary on Data Protection, usually with a United Kingdom bias. She is a Lecturer in law at Nottigham Trent University. Recent works include assisting the European funded project, PRIVIREAL , which aimed to examine the implementation of the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC in relation to medical research and the role of ethics committees.
Currently exploring the implications of outsourcing and data protection. If you have views on this subject, please email her.
DP Thinker is a UK based cyberblog by a legal scholar, specialising in privacy and data protection developments (be it within Europe or the US). Any feedback/views to postings on DP Thinker are always welcome.
Publications to Date
- Wong, R. The shape of things to come: Swedish developments on the protection of privacy, Script-Ed , (2005), 2.
- Wong, R. Privacy: charting its developments and prospects In: Klang, M. & A. Murray, Human Rights in the Digital Age , January 2005.
Go to Rebecca Wong's Blog
Please note: Blogs contain items that are the responsibility of the author and are presented "as is" with no endorsement from, nor editing by, nor approval from or its sponsors, VeriSign. Blogs are dynamic. We offer them in good faith, but, where the content is outside our control we cannot be responsible for their errors, omissions or other conduct.