Compliance and Privacy News |
Dear Visitor, A short newsletter this week, but a really large payload. Our sponsors, VeriSign, have done something unprecedented - they've released all the presentations they gave at InfoSecurity Europe to all current and new members of Compliance and Privacy. All eleven of them. We're really happy to be passing them on to you Alongside that we have two webcasts - Intrusion Detection Systems and how people evade them poses the question "Should you rely on an IDS?". Keeping your systems private and free from the "Ph" word is vital today. And we're replaying the Distributed Denial of Service WebCast, too. It's almost time to look at the results of our current poll on Information Security Policies. If you haven't told us whether you have one, do click the button. Come to that our home page has the survey on Internet shopping and that could do with more of your input. In closing, do you have a pet topic you'd like to see featured here, as an article or a discussion or both, maybe a favourite blogger you'd like us to feature? If you do, please pop over to the Discussion Forums (see the foot of this newsletter) and tell me what you want to see. Or start the discussion! Peter Andrews
We're very lucky. VeriSign have allowed us to have the presentations they gave at InfoSecurity Europe in London in April 2006. As part of the sponsorship of Compliance and Privacy they are allowing all current and all new members here to download those presentations from our site. So we're passing our luck on to you. It's an impressive list:
The distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is among the most potentially costly and intractable cyber threats facing technology-dependent companies today. DDoS attacks are also more frequent, larger and more costly than ever before, and the number of available "zombie" computers in the wild is greater than ever. These trends will continue for the foreseeable future. This presentation discusses why and what DDoS mitigation and prevention strategies are used to keep technology-driven organizations in business today, and how early DoS attacks evolved into present-day techniques. This webcast replay lasts for 27 minutes. Since it is a replay no interaction is possible. You will need speakers or a headset
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) detect inappropriate, incorrect or anomalous host or network activity. This presentation provides information about common techniques used to evade IDS detection. The goal is to answer the question: To what extent should network administrators rely upon IDS detection systems for security and advanced warnings of attacks? The live webcast is on 5th May 2006, at 2pm EST (US Eastern time), that's 7pm BST, 8pm European time. And we'll be mounting a replay here as soon as we receive it. To participate fully you will need an audio equipped computer
Readers should note that references to VeriSign's sponsorship are historical. That sponsorship ended on 28 February 2007, and is simply included here for context and historical purposes. VeriSign is not formally associated with this site in any manner, and has asked us to emphasise this point. |